How often have you scrambled at the last minute to finish your Christmas shopping? We’ve been there too, but we have perfected our Christmas list organization and shopping strategy… so OF COURSE we have to share it with you! Get ready to say “goodbye” to Christmas shopping stress for good!
Make a list of every person you are shopping for this year. Even down to dirty Santa presents, and co-worker happies.
Step 2
Okay, you have your list. Now it’s time to list the items you want to gift that person. The more specific the better!
Mom- jewelry set, matching pajama sets
Dad- tool drawers
Sister- matching pajama sets, candles
Husband- sound bar, grilling accessories
Co-workers- candles
Step 3
This is usually where most people’s process ends, and that’s where the scrambling begins! Our solution? More specifics, please! Now it’s time to list where you plan to purchase each of these items.
Mom-Jewelry Set- Kendra Scott
Mom-Pajama Sets- Kohl’s
Dad-Tool Drawers- Home Depot
Sister-Pajama Sets- Kohl’s
Sister-Candles- EKKO Candle Co.
Husband-Sound Bar-Best Buy
Husband-Grilling Accessories- Home Depot
Co-Workers-Candles- EKKO Candle Co.
Step 4
Now for the ultimate helpful tip. Once you know who you are shopping for, what you are getting, and where you are purchasing the gifts from; you can make individual shopping lists for each store!
Kendra Scott- jewelry set for mom
Kohl’s- Pajama Sets for mom and sister
Home Depot- tool drawers for dad, and grilling accessories for husband
Ekko Candle Co.- candles for sister, and candles for co-workers
Best Buy- sound bar for husband
Step 5
Relax! By using this method you can tackle one store’s list at a time, and be finished with all of your shopping in a breeze. No need to check that list twice- you’re Christmas shopping just got a whole lot more organized!
For the pen and paper lover we always find beautiful notebooks at Paper Source and deals on upscale moleskin journals at Marshalls! Maybe technology is more your speed. We have found great success creating to do lists in apps like Todoist, Google Keep or simply using Notes on your phone.
Do you feel prepared to tackle your holiday shopping? Let us know if our method works for you! We'd love to hear your tricks for organizing your gift list. Happy shopping!
