It's already August! How are you feeling about where you're at this year so far? Let's get our goals in check and mark a few items off our to-do list.
Back to School
School is back in session, and life can get a little crazy. Spend some time preparing for all the back-to-school shenanigans.
Family Calendar
School season means everyone in the family is pulled in different directions. Do yourself and your family a favor by setting up a shared family calendar that keeps track of after-school functions, appointments, and busy schedules.
Transition Seasonal Items
It's time to put the pool gear away and transition to fall! Create a zone that keeps all of the sports gear in one place so your kids know where it goes.
Establish Expectations
Have you had a family meeting yet to establish expectations for the school year ahead? Be sure to get everyone on the same page now before chaos ensues.
Plan Ahead for Snacks
Get ready for those after-school munchies by packing your pantry with healthy snacks and easy meals. Make this transition a smooth one and get kicked off on the right foot!