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Prepare Your Home To Sell: Ready to Show

Updated: May 31, 2022

Moves can be overwhelming with lots of moving pieces and parts. Preparing your current home to put it on the market is just the beginning. How do you prepare your home for listing photos and showings? What steps should you take to make sure you get the best offer possible on your home? Keep reading for tips and tricks on preparing your home to list it for sale!

When searching for a new home, buyers want a home that is organized and well maintained. A home should tell a story of a clean and organized lifestyle that buyers aspire to. We recommend focusing on three goals to achieve this:

1. Highlight your home’s BEST features

- Maybe you have a recently renovated kitchen, or a breathtaking outdoor space.

Whatever your home’s best features are- let them shine by taking a little extra care in

prepping these spaces for showings and listing photos!

2. Create a light and inviting space

- Bring on the Natural Light! Open all shades, blinds and curtains to let the natural light in. Clean light fixtures and replace bulbs. Make sure each fixture includes the same type of bulb. Consider both overhead and lamp lighting. Choose soft white LED bulbs if replacing bulbs. Add timers on lamp lights if necessary.

3. Show buyers there is ROOM for their “stuff”

- Closets and storage spaces filled to the brim with clutter may make potential buyers

worry that there isn’t room for their things. Aim to have all of your spaces clear of clutter and as minimal as possible.

Here are additional tips we recommend to make sure you are as “Ready to Show” as possible.

- First impressions are everything! That starts with curb appeal, what buyers see before they even get through the front door can make a huge impact on their decision to purchase. Make sure the lawn is in good shape and flower beds are clean and not overgrown. Sweep and dust off the cobwebs, add flower pots and a fresh doormat.

- One Purpose Spaces! Identify or create a focal point in each room. Make sure each room serves one purpose (not bedroom, office, craft room in one space) and serve as they are intended (dining room should not be a playroom).

- Less is More! Remove clutter and items you don’t use from surface areas, closets, corners, and floor. Start early by sorting and editing your belongings. Get rid of things you no longer need or use. This also decreases moving costs and the effort involved on both the front and back end of your move. Use “smaller than a football” as a guideline for décor to remove from a room. Items that are too small, generally look like clutter in photos. Too much furniture in a room will make the room look small. Place excess furniture in storage.

- Depersonalize! Remove family photos, family heirlooms, valuables and personal information. Pack these items away. This will help buyers picture their own personal items in your space, and also helps you get a head start on packing.

- Clean Start! An unclean home can make buyers worry about how the home is maintained in general. Take this fear out of their minds with a nice deep clean. Consider having your home professionally cleaned to eliminate one less item from your list.

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